Just when life seems at its bleakest… a few signs appear that restore my faith that I am on the right track, and that fortune does indeed favour the bold. Yesterday, after I had posted my grumbly blog (grumblog?) I received an email from a longtime supporter whom I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting, Markus Bennett from northern California. The photo is of a model of my boat that Markus made for his niece, Eleanor, a year or so ago. With his permission, I would like to share his message with you.
"Ahoy Roz,
This e-mail that I'm sending you now, is potentially awkward at best - and so, I trust that you will receive it in the spirit with which it is given....err, sent. Know that I come to you from the heart.
I just read your blog entry entitled "Larger Debt", and I could barely sit still, as I felt my body react in a visceral "call to action", in answer to your admission of basic needs needed to further your quest (I paced, I did the dishes, I folded my clean laundry, I went for a walk with the dogs - and considered washing my truck, but decided in the end to write you this letter instead - instead of flailing on with more unnecessary busy-ness).
I will admit upfront, that I have in the past, struggled with a rampant "hero complex", which although well meaning at the time, found me harvesting plenty of grief for myself. That is neither here nor there, but I just wanted to air that out with you now, because where I'm going next feels strangely familiar in that regard, but I know that this time it is different... it IS different.
I have long since found much more constructive ways to let my "hero-self" out. I discovered that there is no sense in suppressing this natural aspect of myself - and so now, I concentrate mostly on making it a healthy process of "acting out".
So along those lines, with no further ado, I would like to act out in a healthy fashion with you now.
I am by no means a man of money, in fact I've spent the better part of a decade digging myself out of debt, BUT I want to donate a sizable bit of dosh to you now. It feels right; I have to do this. I would like to extend to you, Roz Savage...a gift of $1,000 dollars PROVIDED THAT somebody else matches these funds towards your cause (i.e. for every donation somebody else makes, I will match same funds up to a maximum of $1000.
I absolutely have no doubts about the outcome to this challenge, and I look forward to "having" to send you the check.
OK Roz, no more "crawling back under the covers" (I know the feeling), better times are here, RIGHT NOW!!! Take this baton I pass to you now, and......kick some ass girl!
As always, sending you love and grace..."
So there we go - $1,000 for the asking - provided I can find the folks to match it. Since my last blog I have already received donations of $150, which I am going to put towards a chartplotter - my old one succumbed to seawater 2 days out from San Francisco, and my trusty Tomtom in-car navigation system is not going to be able to navigate me between all the islands of the South Pacific without shipwreck on a reef.
I know this is a leap of faith - you don't yet know the huge eco-initiative I have planned for this year (and I don't want to announce it until we have all the necessary technology in place - no point getting you all enthused if we don't yet have the facility to sign up) but please trust me on this. Now, more than ever, it is about the message more than the adventure. I will be using my row as a platform for a major grassroots campaign to use less fossil fuel, more human power. It's going to be good - but without the row, it's dead in the water (so to speak).
So please, help me out here. I promise you, I will reward your faith in me. Let's... just do it.
In the interests of transparency, I have decided to publish my list of expedition expenses. This is for Stage 2 of the row. Stage 3… well, we’ll worry about that one later. One stroke (or stage) at a time…
$4,000 Weather forecasting
$5,400 Website redevelopment
$4,500 Electrician’s bill
$9,000 Satellite phone bill (approx $40 per podcast, $35 per blog, $40 per day to download emails, plus phone calls to weatherguy and mother)
$114.95 VHF radio + shipping
$427.00 Chartplotter + shipping
$800.00 100 x freeze-dried/boil-in-bag meals
$500.00 Other food and provisions for voyage
$200.00 Professional splicing services
$150.00 Swivel shackles for sea anchor
$100.00 Cleats for sea anchor tripline
$555.00 Liferaft service
$25,456.95 TOTAL
(Obviously this doesn’t include any living expenses while I am on dry land, nor flights, car rental, etc, but I don’t want to ask you to help with these necessary but less-than-glamourous necessities of life - because I'm not asking for money for me, I'm asking for money for the mission.)
Apologies for yesterday’s broken link to PayPal. I know that quite a number of people weren’t able to get to the page for donations. I'm still having problems with it, so please use the Groundspring donations page of the nonprofit for which I row, the Blue Frontier Campaign - being sure to specify "Roz Savage - The Voyage" from the dropdown box. The Blue Frontier Campaign is a registered 501(c)3 organization, so all donations are tax deductible.
Well done Markus! I'm sure your generosity will be matched for Roz. What goes around comes around so the money will return to you in equal or greater measure some day when you need it.
ReplyDeleteRoz - I can't equal Markus but have sent $$ via Blue Frontier and an email to your gmail address (is it still current?)
Love to you and 'Team Roz' Cx
ReplyDeleteDamn. And to think I was worried I sent the check too late when I should have waited still longer. Anyway, kudos to Marcus! (And I love the wagon) BTW, your Facebook security sign in words portend that you shouldn't listen for stupid omens. Weather warnings, traffic broadcasts, safety warnings on electrical equipment, certain authority figures and even that time proven "feeling" or "voice" - yes. But if you're listening to any old gibberish rushing across you're consciousness you'll be hosed.
That's pretty cool! I want to mention, I don't know if you heard about the recall of peanut butter and product recalls, some of which are Larabars. They said that these products may be tainted from the last 2 years. more info: http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2009/01/20/peanut-recall.html
ReplyDeleteThank you Caroline, for your generous donation - and yes, I did get your email too.
ReplyDeleteWise words, Eric - not everything has significance (including many safety warnings, actually.... yes, I already know that this drink may be hot! - not that I use disposable coffee cups anyway).
And thanks for the heads-up Liz. I'm not a big PB fan, so I didn't have any of the peanut Larabars - but I'm glad you reminded me that I need to check in with Larabar and get fresh supplies for my next voyage...